Tis I, the reclusive G|M. It's been almost ten months since I signed up for HubPages and began posting various things there, and what a ride it has been. It's an interesting site for quickly publishing articles with a guarantee of some readership and camaraderie, and I hope to always have a special place for it in my thoughts.
As it stands right now I am undergoing the process of revamping and retooling Inverse//Reverse. The novel, which many of loved it's progression and parts thus far has come to the point where I am comfortable with the characters and world set (as it's been within me for years) but I feel I am making a fatal flaw in how it jumps around, how the characters interact, etc.
In short, I'm going to slow it down. One of the pitfalls with I//R is that it's YATVN, or rather, Yet Another Teen Vampire Novel. On the surface only, however.
The fact is as often as I do there are certain expectations I have for myself and it's production values, as much as one can say words on paper require much 'production' other than the mad penmanship of anyone interested enough to write away.
It's hard to directly define what these goals are, because I don't quite know the whole story myself other than:
- The reader will want to learn more about some key concepts (related to the overall story)
- It will be presented in the best format possible digitally
Other than the fact it could distract the reader and lend me laziness, embedded screens within text is far off from being a standard author's tool. I don't have the kind of money CBS lost on their ad in Entertainment Weekly, either.
In short, those of you familiar with my use of other media within my writing may be surprised, depending on this little side quest...HTML5 has just loomed it's head and I'm wondering a few things.
But of course, it's a novel. It's a novel that needs to have the nuts and bolts, and lay down the foundation for a kitchen sink that is it's sequel. Slowly, I'm trying to wrap my head around the concepts I'm trying to present to readers at large.
What are those concepts? Well, we'll see how it goes. Because I'm pushing myself here, and I've a lot of homework yet to be done. If I wanted to write mind grease I could continue on with what I have, hoping to improve the "underpennings" of the text heretofore already generated.
That said, don't expect a large change from the direction the draft has taken it. Those of you who have come to love Josh and his world, you'll only feel more in-tune with him.
Soon enough I'll be posting more to HP, but lxxy is on the lay low as I continue with I//R.
Wish me luck, I'll be around when I can.
And of course---HAPPY HOLIDAYS!